Make a Non-Cash Gift

Turn Your Investment into Impact for a Waiting Child

Non-cash gifts to the Foundation are a great way to capture the tax benefits of charitable giving. Explore the options for donating through non-cash gift options such as donating assets, stock or through donor-advised fund contributions.

Give a Gift of Stock

Donating appreciated securities, such as stocks or mutual funds, is a smart and easy way to support the Foundation. Your gift of stock will help ensure that we can continue expanding our life-changing programs, including Wendy’s Wonderful KidsTM, which serves the longest-waiting youth waiting in foster care such as teenagers, siblings and children with special needs, who are counting on us today.

Just as with cash gifts, you will receive a federal income tax deduction for the full market value of any securities you donate as long as you have owned them for at least one year. Be sure to consult with your tax or legal advisory.

For more information on giving a gift of stock, read our instructions or contact Lisa Rovner, Director, Development, at or (+1) 614-764-6858.

Support the Foundation Through Your Donor-Advised Fund

Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing, most tax-efficient giving method to manage charitable donations.

When you give to the Foundation through your donor-advised fund, your generosity sustains our work to raise awareness about the urgent need for foster care adoption, promote free, educational resources that support the adoption journey and more.

  1. Request a grant distribution through your DAF sponsor.
  2. Be sure to use the Foundation’s charity registration number: 876047804RR0001.
  3. You can also designate the Foundation as a beneficiary for your donor-advised fund.

Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption
4900 Tuttle Crossing Blvd.
Dublin, OH 43016

For more information on donor-advised funds, please contact Lisa Rovner, Director, Development, at or (+1) 614-764-6858.

DTFA Canada is a public foundation exempt from income tax by virtue of paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). Its charity registration number is 876047804 RR 0001.
