Give Through Your Estate

Make a Life-Changing Impact With a Future Gift

By including the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption-Canada in your estate plans, you can help make the dream of a forever family a reality for children waiting in foster care and create a legacy that strengthens families and communities for generations to come.

Leaving a Legacy

A living legacy is more than a reflection of who we are. It’s also how we see the world and the lasting impact we desire to make in it. And donating to charities that help children, such as the Foundation, is a way to make a meaningful change to that world.

Why Make a Gift?

By making a planned gift, you’ll join the Forever Home Society, which recognizes and honors individuals who:

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Include a gift to the Foundation in a will or trust

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Participate in a life income arrangement benefiting the Foundation, such as charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity

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Create a lead trust benefiting the Foundation

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Name the Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy

How to Make a Planned Gift

Planned gifts can be donated outright or deferred, and typically come from assets, not income. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption-Canada is a public foundation exempt from income tax by virtue of paragraph 149(1)(f) of the Income Tax Act (Canada). Its charity registration number is 876047804 RR 0001.

Start planning today to help realize a future in which every child has the love, support and security of a permanent family. Use our Planned Gift of Record form to declare your intention to make a gift to the Foundation, or please contact Lisa Rovner, Director, Development at or (+1) 614-764-6858.

To receive the latest news and stories of impact that your support makes possible, sign up for our emails.
